The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 76: Nenji Ogata 7

Chapter 76: Nenji Ogata 7

Back to Nenji!

Music: The Plot Thickens (Rikako Watanabe)

Maybe you’ve got a point. I should slow down and think a little…

I finally found this damn key… What’s gonna happen to Minami if I snitch on her?

Consider Natsuno Minami

(Minami’s got the key… But if I let Okino know, I’d be throwin’ her under the bus. …… That Izumi guy… He said he’d handle it. Can I even trust him?)

Consider League of Darkness

(So that guy Izumi… He’s Juro Kurabe from another world…? If that’s really true… That League of Darkness lady’s gotta be a Fuyusaka from another world. When I was a kid, she did somethin’ to my key… I remember now. She said something about the Sentinels… Probably talkin’ about that robot I saw in the future ruins…)

Consider Key

(So the one who has the key… They’re the one callin’ these monsters out. Even if they don’t want to. Never thought Minami would have it…)

I didn’t… I didn’t cross a line, did I?

Could you not ignore me?

Use The Attack on Tomi Kisaragi

If you knew the world was gonna end in a couple minutes… How would you spend ‘em?


Well… I can’t really get anywhere in a few minutes…


Well, too bad, you're not going to spend them with Nenji, because he's about to ditch you.

Okay, the first train’s gonna be Fuyusaka and…

Iori, your place isn’t this way, right? Where you going?
I’ve just got a thing over in Tsutsuji…

Tomi’s distracted, let’s go bug Juro.

Huh. That’s weird. Seems like plain old Kurabe again…

Someone was just looking for you…

Who’s this from?
Izumi, I think he said…?

Consider Izumi’s Message

(“Tsutsuji-Bound Semi-Express departing at 5:12, first car…” Who is this guy…? What’s his angle? Lessee, the 5:12… That’s the third train. The one Kisaragi gets on. And the first car…)

I have to go…

Ryoko gets on her train.

I’m gonna go…

Sorry, Tomi, but we gotta jet.

You even listenin’?

(Geez… If I get on the train now, is it even gonna change anything…?)

Well, let’s follow Megumi, I guess…

Music: Ennui Vibes (Yoshimi Kudo)

Now you’re messin’ with me too? You’re from Minami’s class… You another of Okino’s goons?
Okino? I don’t know who that is.
Then why are you here?
I was told to come here so I could save Nenji Ogata.
You’re here to save me…?
But Nenji Ogata’s right here. So… why are you appearing on this screen?
That’s like… a version of me inside my own head.
So… I just need to pull this thing off your head?
Hey, hey, don’t do that! They said if it gets forced off, I might never wake up again. Geez… Call the police, I guess?
My contact wants to keep this discreet.
Okay, then call your contact! Get them to do something!
Well, he’s a cat, so… His options are limited.


He’s a what?
He’s a talking cat who’s here to save the world.
What the shit are you talking about? Look, you see any kinda… I dunno, a power button?
None here.
Well, what *do* you see?
A button that says “reinitialize.”
Okay, don’t touch that. Probably dumps me back at the station.
Something here about a restriction?
Maybe that’s it. You think you can turn that restriction off?
I can try.
How’s it lookin’?
Hold on, still checking…
…… Hey, you talked about saving the world… You mean from the kaiju, right?
So… all that stuff I saw on the train… It really could happen.
If you could fight back… Would you?
Hell yeah I would.

Music: The Tower of Knowledge (Hitoshi Sakimoto)

Really? Okay… now we’re gettin’ somewhere… Now try pressin’ that reinitialize thing.

And Nenji is now locked until we do Destruction Wave 2-5. Currently, our plot blocks are:

Nenji and Natsuno: Destruction 2-5
Shu and Tomi: Destruction 2-10
Ei and Miura: Natsuno, “A Missing Memory”
Megumi: Juro Kurabe, “Juro Kurabe”
Juro: Yuki, “A Conscious Criminal”
Hijiyama: 80% story progress for 8 protagonists
Gouto: 80% story progress for 12 protagonists

And that just leaves Yuki, Iori, and Ryoko available at the moment.

We make two minor changes to the board here. First, we link Megumi and Nenji because she is all-but-stated to have shot him in that last scene. To facilitate that, we move “Kiriko Douji” slightly because it was in the way in its original position.

And here’s the full board.